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Thoughts & Inspiration

I am so glad you made your way to my brand new blog! My assumption is that you found your way here looking to see what it is going on EXACTLY and I am doing. Well, i’m here to clear the air!

This is the World Race Gap Year program, a 9 month mission with a focus of outreach to share the gospel of Jesus. We will have primary focuses on Community Outreach, Children’s Ministry, Manual Labor, Evangelism, and Bible Distribution. But in reality, Jesus has called us to just go and love on His people. There is going to be a LOT of meeting people where they’re at- in their brokenness, in their hurt, in their everyday lives. 

Now here’s the real question, why did I decide to take on this challenge? I mean come on, 9 months without having my car, the comfort of having my own room, and having endless freedom, why in the world would I want to give those things up? 

Because I really believe in this guy I know. This guy, this really cool dude, has big plans. He has the power to move mountains with the faith of a mustard seed. He splits the sea in an instant, and feeds thousands from next to nothing. Guys. He DIED, and ROSE FROM THE GRAVE!! The God I know, has some really important work that needs to be done. So for now, this is exactly where I need to be. Serving the nations, and leaning into the chaos, and trusting that Jesus will provide.